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The G.A.P. Method Journal

By Anna David

The G.A.P. Journal helps you in the process of suiting up, showing up and letting go of the results.

After writing out a major goal, describe your life as if you’ve already met it. What does your life feel like, sound like, smell like? Are you ringing the NASDAQ bell with people screeching all around you? Are you on the farm where you retired, with all those farm scents wafting around? Have you and your kids published the book that’s well on its way to becoming the new Goodnight, Moon? Flesh out the details that make it real.

Once you’ve written out the goal and your life as if you’ve already met the goal, write down the actions you’re going to take in order to make it all happen.


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Then, put this journal down...for a week, a month, a few months.

Whenever you’re compelled to pick it up again, write down the progress you’ve made in terms of meeting your goal. Continue to note your progress over time.

Expect to refine your original goal, come up with new actions to take and write down different ways you’ve made progress.

Expect to come up with new goals, for which you should follow the same process.

Expect this process to be frustrating at times.

Expect to be disappointed when results you’re expecting from specific actions don’t occur.

And expect, over time, to marvel at how much bigger and better it all turned out than you even imagined.

In other words, expect the “scene” you fleshed out to ways even better than you could have imagined.

The process of coming up with a big goal, taking the actions, letting go of the results and noting your progress is simple but not easy.

Try as hard as you can to enjoy closing the G.A.P.

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