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Nonprofit Game Plan

By Matt George

Let’s face it: the nonprofit sector has a major branding issue.
Seen as either poorly run charities looking for handouts or the pet projects of well-meaning, ineffectual civil servants, the world of the 501c3 is misunderstood, maligned and sometimes mismanaged. And Matt George is here to change the narrative.
As the CEO of the Children’s Home Association of Illinois, a nonprofit leader facing the state’s most serious social ills, George draws his unorthodox philosophies straight from the frontlines. In Nonprofit Game Plan, he reveals the real story of nonprofits, the one no one talks about: they are the world’s best defense against the gnawing grind of social decay, poverty, homelessness and crime.

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Whether he’s breaking tennis world records, partnering with star athletes or making deals with Fortune 500 companies, George demystifies nonprofit management while inspiring a new generation to take up the mantle of social service. What emerges is a strong case that non-profits ought to run like businesses, not charities.

Though it might ruffle some feathers, the message is a wake-up call that’s sure to radicalize the nonprofit world.
For anyone who cares about making the world a better place, from volunteers to CEOs, Nonprofit Game Plan is a must-read that’s much more than just a how-to guide—it’s a gut-punch.

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