Make Your Mess Your Memoir
A biz-oir by Anna David
Featured on:
- Good Morning America
- New York Post
- Daily Caller
- Authoring podcast
- I Love Marketing podcast
- Awesome Inside Out podcast
We’ve all made a mess.
And that means we all have a message.
This is the book that shows you how to take the former and make it into the latter.

Corrine Casanova
"Anna could literally read the phone book and I'd be mesmerized. Love that she is not only sharing her own memoir but teaching her readers how to share their own."

Emerson Dameron
"You don't need to be a 'writer' to write a memoir, but you do need brutal, fearless honesty - and that's the real gift you get from Anna, given in the most compassionate way possible. She provides a strong story structure for turning any set of life experiences into a memoir, then shows you how to trust and refine your own voice and process. Her mix of hustle, humor, wisdom, and self-awareness is a pleasure to read in its own right."

Suellen Romani
"This book should be required reading for anyone thinking of writing their memoir. Plus it's fun and entertaining. Anna David is just wonderful."
A message from the author:
According to The NY Times, 81% of people want to write a book but fewer than 2% do. While I’m no mathematician and in fact drew a picture out of the bubbles on my math SATs, I would guess that 99% of the people who don’t pursue it are waylaid by the fact that they don’t know what to do.
Part of the problem is that books about writing are inordinately boring. Who wants to read hundreds of pages about what to do?
I learn better through story.
That’s why I’ve created a biz-oir—a memoir business book hybrid which consists of 10 chapters of my story…the messy life that I then made into a message, memoir and business…and then four chapters on how you can do the same.
I’m living proof of what a book can do for your career. I went from being a girl who only excelled at doing drugs to the first person The Today Show called when they needed an “addiction expert” simply because I got sober and wrote a book about it.
You’ve been sitting on your story for way too long, thinking that inspiration may magically hit or you’ll write your book “tomorrow.” Well, tomorrow is here. And this is the book that can show you not only how to share your story but also how to use it to build your business.

182 pages of entertaining, action-able advice that will show you:
-How I made a mess of my life and then used that to create a message—and memoir
-What a memoir needs
-How to select scenes
-How to use your memoir to build your business