Lucy Hartman

As part of her career of many years in advocacy—from electoral campaigns to labor unions to reproductive rights—Lucy Hartman has assiduously used her writing skills and her love of writing to enhance the quality of life for others. She's ghostwritten books for some of the world's top entrepreneurs.

“Talking to Lucy every week was like therapy, if therapy ended with a manuscript beyond your wildest dreams. I had no idea going into this project how enjoyable it was going to be or how much I would learn about myself.
On weeks when we didn't talk, it felt like there was a hole in my week. I just knew from the beginning that she was the exact person and writer for what I was doing. I just loved her enthusiasm, how excited she always was. It felt like we were complete partners.”
— Mark Fujiwara, strategic advisor to CEOs and founders and author of Beyond the Hustle: Conquering Mental Health Challenges in Entrepreneurship