Writing (and Not Publishing) Four Books with Joe DeMaria
Joe DeMaria helps coaches, consultants and peak performers create online courses and group coaching programs to increase their impact, expand their product offerings and create new pillars of revenue in their businesses. He also started sitting on major boards when he was ridiculously young. He's also an expert in scaling businesses. Are you getting the idea that he's a genius? Well, you're right. And so it was time for me to do a "booktervention"—a word I just coined to describe my aggressive attempt to find out why in God's name someone who so clearly has a book (or several) in him hasn't published one yet.
This episode was recorded on the hot new app Wisdom so it was an entirely new way of doing a podcast: first off, there was an (admittedly small) audience listening. Secondly, I thought I had to talk for 10 minutes at a time (long story; once you listen it will make sense). And make sure you follow me on Wisdom!
For now, enjoy my conversation with the great Joe DeMaria on how he started his journey into entrepreneurship by hawking sodas to fellow nine-year-olds, how that evolved into doing work for the mob (seriously!) and the way he was able to parlay all of that into a massively successful career. And, of course, listen in on his attempt to answer the age-old question: why hasn't he published a book yet?
→ You can get my 5 steps to creating a life-changing book
→ You can apply for an Authority Experience to have us create the concept and promotion plan for your authority-building book
→ You can apply for a call to work with Legacy Launch Pad (our publishing packages range from $7k-150k)
How Long Does It Take to Publish a Book?
How Do I Figure Out the Core Audience for My Book?
How Do I Make Money From My Book?