Brianne Davis on Launching a Book on Sex and Love Addiction
Brianne Davis is a gorgeous, successful actress—i.e., NOT the sort of person you’d think would launch a roman a clef about sex and love addiction. But do that she did and Secret Life of a Hollywood Sex and Love Addict came out in 2020 (for anyone who read it and is clamoring for more, have no fear; it’s the first in a series of four).
For someone who’s dyslexic and never thought she’d write a book, Davis pulled the launch off with serious panache—writing articles for huge publications, booking hundreds of interviews, landing big celebrities for blurbs, getting the book in libraries, entering the TikTok universe and so much more.
While she admits that the fact that she’s a “name” helped her, she’s also full of tips for anyone launching a book (spoiler alert: it requires a whole lot of hustle).
Listen in on our chat about why she wrote a novel and not a memoir, the rationale behind her two different covers and how the book launched her massive coaching business and speaking career, among so much more.
→ You can get my 5 steps to creating a life-changing book
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→ You can apply for a call to work with Legacy Launch Pad (our publishing packages range from $7k-150k)
Erika Schickel on How Friends Make Your Launch
What to Do 60 Days, 30 Days and 7 Days Before Your Launch
Sarah Alaimo on Going From "I Can't Write a Book" to Launching Her Book